"Dr Ratneswaran was undoubtedly the best FY2 trainee we have ever had and if I would like to summarise his professional profile, I would say that Dr Ratneswaran is a man of action and innovation and he is a unique blend of an excellent young clinician, researcher and academic, which will secure him a very bright future."
"Deeban's teaching has received outstanding feedback. He is extremely enthusiastic about innovation, its evaluation and implementation. He has designed, delivered and assessed some innovative inter-professional learning which has received excellent feedback. Deeban is exceptionally motivated, self-driven and consistently shows initiative in his work. Whilst he is very able in driving a project forward, he is also sensitive and receptive to colleagues and suggestions in achieving a shared objective. He is always keen to learn and acquire new skills; and, actively seeks feedback to improve himself. Dr Ratneswaran is very much liked within our group. He is extremely enthusiastic and collaborative in his approach; and, is always happy to offer his help and to share his ideas, skills and knowledge with colleagues, peers and students. Dr Ratneswaran is an outstanding trainee who has demonstrated an extensive range of talents relevant to research. Aside from this, he has been a joy to work with and supervise; and, would be a strong asset and a team member within any research group."
"Deeban is already a well-respected and talented junior doctor. He has impressed everybody with the efforts he has made to further medical education and has set up and taught on multiple regional teaching courses which have taken place on the Guy's Campus through the King's College Surgical Society, and also 8 week long local courses, three times throughout the year at Medway. His latest course, specifically aimed at final year medical students, was fully booked within 20 minutes of bookings opening online! (220 seats) Deeban had also been nominated many times for a Teaching Excellence Award which I believe are administered through King's College London, and had received an email from the Dean of Undergraduate Medicine at King's College London commending him on his teaching efforts! This reflects the scale of what he has achieved in his first year as a junior doctor."
"Deeban has a rare set of talents that anyone will come by in the blockchain industry - strong technical diligence, deep rooted network, and leadership. His knowledge of the space allows him to have a clear vision, and the ability to guide founders on their path to success. I've been lucky to work with him, and if you see him involved in a project, that's a free Alpha to get involved!"
"I was at the Essential Medicine course weekend just gone. I'm emailing you but for the sole reason to say that honestly I think you were brilliant and possibly one of the best teachers I've come across. Learnt more in 2 days than I did in 2 years. What did you like the most? Deeban's bantz."
"Dr Deeban was extremely knowledgeable, energetic and enthusiastic despite having to teach such a heavy volume of content over the 2 days. The information was presented in a clear and concise manner with useful 'Top Tips' and learning tools given throughout. Very, very useful course."
"Dr Ratneswaran was a wonderful speaker and impressed me with his continually high energy levels! Would highly recommend. I would like to say again how useful I found this weekend, excellent work Deeban!"
"Enthusiasm of the tutor was excellent and never waned, which helped to maintain interest and attention - lots of useful ways to learn included such as mnemonics and hyperkalaemia dance. Thank you! A good recap of a lot of information in a short period of time. It was very obvious a lot of time and effort had gone into preparing the course and materials which aided engagement and learning. Thank you!"
"Deeban was extremely knowledgeable, energetic and enthusiastic despite having to teach such a heavy volume of content over the 2 days."
"Very charismatic teacher with a unique way of teaching an aesthetic powerpoint document."
"Very entertaining course. Kept attention levels high while summarising key concepts."
"He was incredible. Super enthusiastic and knowledgable."
"Deeban's energy, he was like an energetic koala bear!! His explanations!"
"Thank you for your energy deepan, and thank you for your range of learning styles and random tangents - they help to keep my concentration."
"I liked the energy and humour and relaxed learning environment. Very fast paced. Extensive detail coverage. Amazing course! Thank you!"
"One of the best teaching I've ever received"
"The charisma and engaging attitude of the speaker, the clarity of the info, the way we are taught the key things to remember specifically for Kings exams."
"The OSCE tips were mind-blowing at times! It wasn't just a course, but an experience. Inspirational too."
"Highly enthusiastic and knowledgeable"
"He was one of the best teachers to ever lecture us and is very approachable. I wish we could have more teaching like this."
"The best teaching I've had in years,"
"Very passionate teaching, shows genuine interest in helping students."
"The enthusiasm and energy from Deeban really kept me engaged; I thought all of the resources were excellent, and the course content was explained thoroughly and in a way that was easy to understand."
"THE WHOLE COURSE WAS SO GOOD! Going through cases and discussing them really helped consolidate my knowledge!"
"Very entertaining course. Kept attention levels high while summarising key concepts."
"Your tone and style of presenting is extremely engaging and this is the only lecture in three years that I've stayed awake for! and was funny!! Amazing at presenting, really engaging, thorough and efficient at imparting knowledge and ensuring we understoodthings before we moved on. Extremely inspiring as an individual!! "
"Deeban is super enthusiastic and knowledgeable. I've learnt so much!"
"I travelled from leeds to come to the course because I heard how good it was from a friend, perhaps you could advertise to universities up north or advertise to PAs across the universities because it is definitely beneficial for our National Exam that we have to sit in September and our university exams. Brilliant course! really enjoyed today, thank you!"
"Deeban was an amazing teacher and was able to keep the group engaged and enthusiastic. Deeban did a great job of mixing basic practical steps with more complex pathophysiology that we will be expected to know. I feel much more prepared to pass (no... conquer!) my exams. Thank you!"
" I thought Deeban was a very good lecturer and teacher, his enthusiasm was infectious and made me want to learn."
"Deeban was so enthusiastic on the stage and it was so nice to see and really helped to keep us engaged. The course is full of information and is over two really long days, but me and everyone around me still managed to concentrate throughout the whole thing!"
"Really good content covered a lot of knowledge. Deeban is literally life goals. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've learnt so much and I hope to be half the doctor you are."
"The enthusiasm of Deeban, you can tell he really cares! also kept things directed to our level rather than going overboard or underboard as most courses do."
"Very engaging and interesting, gave really good tips and information for OSCE. Great event, very informative, and interesting. SO USEFUL FOR OSCES!! Everything was amazing! Thank you so much! You're a fabulous teacher!"
"Very good teaching and student engagement. Very charismatic and supportive with all students. Covers required teaching material and pushes the barriers of higher knowledge on things that would make us stand out in the OSCEs. One of the best teaching experiences."
"Very engaging teacher and could tell he is very passionate. Knew his knowledge very well and without a script too!"
"Deeban was super enthusiastic and kept my attention for the whole two days (which is a big challenge!) He was very knowledgeable and managed to simplify all the common exam scenarios through a combination of cases, clear explanations and key points.
"Dr Deeban did a great job keeping the teaching engaging and our spirits high even after 2 days of high intensity recapping."