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Deeban Ratneswaran
BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCP (UK) AMInstLm PGCert (MMed) FHEA PhD  

I have a multi-faceted career spanning design, medicine, academia, education, entrepreneurship, and subsequently investment and venture capital in Web3, Sports, Fashion, Gaming and AI.
My journey
I was raised in South London, I went to school there with my two brothers. I won a prestigious Arkwright Scholarship for a career in Product Design, inevitably opting for Medical School at King's College London. Here, I met a series of mentors who set me off on a journey of academia and entrepreneurship. I established self-designed public health research as a medical student, which led to my first series of accolades (American Thoracic Society Assembly Award, British Lung Foundation Research Grants, Royal Society of Medicine Young Respiratory Investigator and RSM Epidemiologist of the Year, and others). I've been awarded 30+ national and international awards alongside a multitude of academic publications and book chapters, and during these years, I successfully established businesses in the educational tech space. I was the sole lecturer on 2-day courses, 8-times yearly, with attendees from 8 countries across Europe, India, and the States. I used the capital to establish research awards with the British Lung Foundation, placing the rest into investments. During my PhD years, I doubled down on venture capital with an initial focus on gaming. As a self-funded firm, with no external LP's, our portfolio achieved significant returns. To date I've advised on >$150mill worth of funds in this sector, while co-leading rounds with Animoca, Jump, Tiger and other Tier 1 VCs. I've now built subsidiaries across different verticals: marketmaking, marketing, start-up acceleration, and VC in Web3, Sports, Fashion and Gaming. My current focus is two fold 1) building health tech infra in the largely untapped 'sleep' industry to optimise patient health globally for a more focused, healthier society, and 2) laying the foundation to enable truly benevolent AI in my capacity as a partner at Opus Genesis AI. I feel both are important societal missions. Welcome! 
Conferences, Press, Videos
Important links
Awards and Accomplishments
Awards, Honors, and Noteworthy Accomplishments
My works
Mid-Late Career
Venture capital

During this period, I made a concerted effort to increase my network and reach, working with two other colleagues who were also interested in funding Web3 games. I mostly started of by working with large VC firms in advisory / collaborative positions, which gave me invaluable knowledge and access to investments and opportunities through introductions. This also provided me with ...

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Growing up
School and University

I was born and raised in Tooting Broadway in South London, sharing a room with my two brothers. We had a humble upbringing but equally very privileged to have parents and a network who put all their effort and resources into our education. We had a number of hobbies, predominantly centred around combat sports. I trained in Karate (Blackbelt in Renshinkai, Brownbelt in Seiki-Juku), Wing Chun and Ju ...

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Early Career
Medicine and Entrepreneurship

After completing my medical training at King’s College, I continued to work in London hospitals affiliated with the university. My clinical shifts comprised colorectal surgery, surgical admissions unit, haematology, elderly care, acute medicine, emergency, audio-vestibular, renal, gastroenterology, neurology and respiratory. I worked hard and enjoyed clini ...

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Mid Career
Academia and Investing

On completing my initial clinical placements and academic works, I continued to be involved with Professor Steier’s group, investigating novel treatments and effects on patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. This opened opportunities for me in sleep research, publications (journals and books), and international conference organisation. I helped run the Clinical Update Sl ...

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Current interests
Reach out to me if
You're a phenomenal company looking for investment, in Web3, Gaming, and in particular, those verticals related to Sports and Fashion. You're a medical student or junior doctor interested in medical education and enterprise. You're a whale/ LP interested in investing in a fund. You're a game developer with experience in Unity/ Unreal Engine looking to bridge into Web3. You're a blockchain developer who wants to join our team or has a nifty idea. You're inviting me to a cool event. Would love to hear from you!